Bunny, a mixed breed dog between a poodle and a sheepdog, learned to communicate with her owner, Alexis Devine, and uses more complex commands than just “sit” or “go.”

Her owners taught her to speak using a device created specifically for people who have a difficulty using verbal communication. Devine tried it because it seemed kind of fun, and really didn’t expect it to work as well as it did.

Bunny uses a series of programmed buttons that have a voice recording and that, when pressed serve to express meaningful ideas or thoughts.

Devine, who lives in Washington, began posting videos of Bunny’s progress on social networks and, so far, has followers numbering in the millions. She claims that she did not expect this abundant receptivity from the public, and that she initially shared her dogs improvements just for fun.

To teach her pet how to understand the context of each word, Devine showed Bunny how they are used in conversation. For example, when Bunny was learning the word “outside,” Devine says she pressed the “outside” button before and after letting her out.




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I could hear Uni, (our orange tabby cat) running around upstairs wreaking havoc, just before this conversation started.

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Despite responsiveness, Devine says she is not completely sure if it really works, and emphasises that it would be irresponsible of her not to be skeptical about it, especially since so many people follow her experiences.

Written by Cesar Moya