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Star Wars: A Luke Skywalker Series Is In Development For Disney+

Having managed to keep Mark Hamill’s return as a young Luke Skywalker a secret in The Mandalorian, and after giving fans what they have always wanted, a series centered on Luke is already in development. As reported by FandomWire, Lucasfilm and Disney+ are in the early stages of development of a Luke Skywalker series, which… Read more »

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Ace Ventura 3 Reportedly Is Still In Development

It seems that remakes, adaptations and sequels are most of the new projects being worked on these days. Along those lines, Jim Carry and his portrayal of the villain Dr. Robotnik, in the live-action Sonic movie, once again influenced a great box office success, so now, the comedian could reprise one of his most iconic… Read more »

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The Obi-Wan Series Potentially Will Include These Jedi Hunters

Following the extraordinary news of the production onset of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s television series, fans have remained excited by all the new features that this series will reveal. And why wouldn’t we, after how well put together the work of The Mandalorian has been, a series responsible for expanding the universe created by Lucas in the… Read more »

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Dwayne Johnson Rumored To Take On The Predator In Future Project

Both Alien and Predator are strong franchises that have not, at least recently, had the expected success when they release a movie. Now there is a lot of news about reboots and series coming to Disney+. These new installments of both monsters are now reportedly going to face a worthy opponent, Dwayne Johnson. The actors… Read more »

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Daisy Ridley Rumored To Return As Rey In The Patty Jenkis Star Wars Movie

Disney and LucasFilm have huge Star Wars projects underway and one of them could bring Rey the character played by Daisy Ridley back. Disney recently announced all the new projects from Marvel, LucasFilm, Pixar and the rest of their properties. But undoubtedly, the one that stood out the most, was the film scheduled to be… Read more »