Scientists capture footage of what appears to be an encounter with a giant squid that swam in the depths of the ocean and the shocking video of the marine animal took netizens by storm.

In case you did not know, there are legends among sailors about the existence of a huge octopus or giant squid called “Kraken”, a mysterious marine animal of immeasurable dimensions, which today is considered a mythological creature.

According to the legend, this dangerous sea creature would sail through the seas, especially in the north regions, a fact that is pertained in numerous chronicles belonging to ancient sailors, who even marked the navigation maps with images that indicated the dangerous creatures that were in certain points of the vast ocean.

Now they believe that what these sailors witnesses were giant squids, which have recently been filmed by researchers.

Left to right: Nathan Robinson, Sonke Johnsen, Tracey Sutton, Nick Allen, Edie Widder, and Megan McCall gather around to watch the squid video. Image courtesy of Danté Fenolio.

Currently, proceeded from the advancement in technology coupled with the work of a group of researchers from the Oceanic Research & Conservation Association (ORCA), the legend of the giant squid could have some truth, since they managed to record on a huge squid, which is difficult to find in its natural habitat.

It was revealed that only on two occasions it has been possible to obtain images of a giant squid in its natural habitat, because these usually inhabit the depths of the seas, which are areas adifficult to access.

For example, this monster squid specimen was observed approximately 99 miles southwest of New Orleans, at a depth of 2, 490 feet in the ocean, and the encounter occurred when scientists decided to light up the device designed to imitate a bright jellyfish, which caught the attention of the cephalopod.

According to the experts data, the marine animal was between 10 to 12 feet long. Similarly, they noted that another giant squid had already been captured on video, in the North Pacific Ocean in 2012, west of Chichi-Jima Island, in Japan.

Written by Cesar Moya