You might have fallen in love with Toy Story 3 but probably not as much as Morgan and Mason Mac Grew! The two brothers took on a crazy challenge: to recreate a Toy Story movie, using stop motion with the toys from the Toy Story line up along with real-life people.

Scenes were remade identical and Andy’s bedroom was reconstructed accurately: a real endeavor from these artists, which took eight years to complete. The concern for precision is felt throughout the film, and this new version gives real added value to the original work. The amount of effort taken to create this work is unreal.

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We’re pretty sure the authors are proud of themselves, as we are too, the end result is pretty crazy. The scenes are filmed with great accurateness, and the amateur aspect only adds to the joy of the film. Along with the props and sets, everything exudes craftsmanship.

This is a feature film that perhaps gives us a glimpse of what real life would look like if our toys began to move and talk.

Written by Cesar Moya