‘Star Wars: The High Republic’, formerly known as “Project Luminous”, is emerging as the next narrative stage of the franchise after saying goodbye to the Skywalker saga.

Star Wars: The Raise of Skywalker put an end to the iconic Skywaljed, an adventure that lasted for 4 decades and was enjoyed by multiple generations. While the universe created by George Lucas has an infinite amount of events to explore, Disney was carefully assessing what the next narrative step will be after the third trilogy of films. Subsequently more than a year of keeping it in “secret”, they have finally announced Star Wars: The High Republic, a world of stories and characters that will mark the immediate future of the popular franchise.

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Star Wars: The High Republic, formerly known as “Project Luminous,” will be set 200 years before Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, just when the Republic and the Jedi Order were at their peak. However, Lucasfilm intends to follow a somewhat different path to the Skywalker saga, as the first stories of the High Republic will be told in comics and novels, not on the big screen. In fact, the company has not confirmed whether in the future they plan to create film adaptations at that time. Remember it is called The High Republic, not The High Ground which is the name Meme artists deserve.

Written by Cesar Moya