The Comedy Central channel continues to rescue popular animated series and after launching a spin-off of Daria and announced new series about Beavis and Butt-Head, now the station announced that it intends to revive the adventures of Ren and Stimpy.

For now, there are not many details about what the proposal of this new series by Ren and Stimpy will be, however, Comedy Central’s plan is to hire a new creative team to take charge of reimagining the program for a new generation.

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According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Comedy Central has greenlit a “reimagined” take on the former Nickelodeon and Spike adult animated series.”

Nickelodeon Network

“We are excited to reinvent this iconic franchise with a new creative team and our partners at the Nickelodeon Animation Studio,” McCarthy explained. “Ren & Stimpy joins our rapidly expanding roster of adult animation including South Park, Beavis and Butt-Head and Clone High as we continue to reimagine our treasure chest of beloved IP for new generations.”

Ren and Stimpy’s return will be substantiated by Nickelodeon Animation Studios and there is still no background information such as the names that will shape their creative team and the possible release date.

Written by Cesar Moya