Ryan Reynolds just can’t get enough of joking around with the criticized Green Lantern movie he starred in 2011. After dismissing the rumors linking him to the Black Adam movie and talking about his alleged appearance in Zack Snyder’s Justice League cut, Last Monday, Reynolds decided to bring up the criticized film focused on Hal Jordan again, and he presented his own cut of that story.

Obviously, this hilarious version released by the actor is showcased as a knockoff to the “Snyder Cut” Justice League, which also uses the post-credits scenes from Deadpool 2 to create the “Reynolds Cut” of Green Lantern.

Thus, despite the fact that this “cut” from the actor does not last even a minute, his edit includes Tom Cruise as Green Lantern / Hal Jordan and the inevitable appearance by the Justice League.

The trailer is as ludicrous as you can expect it to be since it comes from Reynolds’s mind, the living embodiment of Deadpool.

Written by Cesar Moya