Direct continuation of the Karate Kid movie trilogy, the highly acclaimed Cobra Kai series spent two years as exclusive content on YouTube Red, but recently migrated to Netflix, which already has its first two seasons and the third, which opens in 2020.

With YouTube’s decision to end its scripted productions, the series was purchased by Netflix. The result was an even greater success, making Cobra Kai the most popular attraction on the entire platform.

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The series took first place from Lucifer, who stayed for weeks as the most watched attraction after the release of its fifth season. Until now, Cobra Kai remains in the first position as the most sought after and seen series on Netflix, while Lucifer is in third place.

Set 35 years after the first film, Cobra Kai shows Johnny Lawrence reopening his old karate dojo, which revives his old enmity with Daniel Larusso, hero of the classic films.

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Written by Cesar Moya