A year after a filmmaker admitted he faked the infamous “Roswell Alien Autopsy” video, a leaked memo revealed that a CIA scientist confirmed that the content of the footage was indeed real. The scientist observed that the corpse of the alien that appeared in the video was authentic.

The original video of the alien’s autopsy was obtained by British businessman Ray Santilli in 1992. He obtained it from a retired American military cameraman while searching for archive footage of Elvis Presley. Soon after, Santilli sold the clip to various television stations, sparking a public frenzy about the existence of the aliens.

Although the images have been considered by UFO enthusiasts as the ultimate proof of extraterrestrial beings, their authenticity was discredited in 2018 after filmmaker Spyros Melaris came forward and confessed that he directed and was in charge of the production of the video.

According to Melaris, the material was filmed in a north London house. He admitted that he used animal organs and a foam sculpture of an alien for the corpse.

Although the video had already been discredited, new information suggested it was real according to a leaked memo sent by physicist Eric Davis of the National Institute for Discovery Science to the organization’s founder, Robert Bigelow.

According to The Sun, who was able to obtain photos from the memo, the document was leaked by email to British UFO investigator Philip Mantle. It was believed to have originated from within the files of former NASA astronaut and ufologist Edgar Mitchell.

Philip Mantle

The memo, which was sent out on March 23, 2001, focused on a professional evaluation of the “Roswell Alien Autopsy” video conducted by a CIA scientist known as Kit Green.

In the document, Green confirmed that the corpse in the video was real and was the same as it was in the photos revealed during his briefings with the Pentagon from 1987 to 1988. He also hinted where the alleged samples taken from the corpse could have been stored.

“Kit said the alien forensic tissues could hypothetically be located in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Medical Museum (WR-AFIP), which is not open to the public and requires a security clearance to enter,” Davis said in the memorandum.

Written by Cesar Moya