A video was recorded in Tadoba National Park in Maharashtra, India, which shows the duel between a mother sloth bear and a huge male tiger. The footage quickly went viral on social media. The courage and perseverance shown by the female in her struggle against the repeated attacks of the tiger surprised many wildlife observers.

At the start of the fight, according to observations, the tiger begins by charging the bear, at the start of the video however, the tiger has already grabbed the bear. Shortly after, the bear retaliates fiercely fighting back. As the video progresses, the female looks more and more tired but doesn’t give up.

The video allowed wildlife enthusiasts to see predatory behaviors in the jungle in more detail. Wildlife Conservation Trust chairman and biologist Dr Anish Andheria commented on the duel and provides clarification. He informs that tigers are tough predators, and that they are often the masters of the situation. Sloth bears are part of their diet. A male tiger can weigh over 440 pounds, while a sloth bear usually weighs no more than 220 to 260 lbs.

The bear was clearly injured, he could never have defeated the tiger. Sloth bears can defend themselves and have long claws, but tigers, with their canines and sharp claws, are real killing machines,” he says. Andheria’s research revealed that bears were indeed prey for tigers.

“I analyzed a tiger’s droppings and found sloth bear hair there. However, in most cases, these are not easy prey and tigers are at risk of injury. Thus, tigers generally avoid hunting them, ” adds Andheria.

The bear and the tiger both have their strengths in combat. The bear’s long coat, for example, gives it an advantage in wrestling. In fact, when the tiger tries to bite the bear on the neck during the battle, the latter’s dense fur protects it from the feline’s teeth. As for the tiger, in addition to its long canines and its powerful jaw, it has a very muscular body and therefore a lot of power. In short, the bear can only rely on its sharp claws, which can still seriously injure the tiger.

In terms of endurance, the tiger also has an advantage: a tiger can pursue a bear over long distances, and the latter can quickly get tired while it would only be a walk for the tiger.

It should also be noted that the sloth bear in the video is unusually aggressive. According to observers, this is clearly due to the fact that the tiger had previously attacked the female’s cub.


Written by Cesar Moya