Zack Snyder’s cut of the ‘Justice League’ received good reviews, but fans did not forgive Amber Heard and she was the only one disliked out in the film.

Amber Heard is an actress who has currently divided viewers over her legal dispute with her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, who recently appealed to the London court on Thursday. Since ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ was announced, a large part of the public asked that the actress not be part of the film released on March 18, but was later confirmed in the film. According to the fan’s comments on the networks, she was the most disliked of the cut.

The resentment from followers of the Jack Sparrow interpreter originated when she sued the actor for domestic violence, who responded with a new defamation lawsuit, the trial will take place on April 2022. This increased after Warner Bros. fired Depp from the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ saga, and no consequences were given to Amber Heard who retained all of her roles.

Although there were posts in favor of her interpretation, Amber Heard was the most criticized of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, since many did not expect to see her, however, she appeared in several important sequences of the film, and Twitter users were unforgiving, being the most targeted in terms of the negative aspects of the film.

Written by Cesar Moya