The human-sized spider web appeared on a trail in Springfield, Missouri. The captured images are really shocking.

Days ago, it was reported, through a shocking viral photo on Facebook, the appearance of a giant spider web, almost the size of a human. The incident occurred in the city of Springfield in Missouri and all the residents of the place were completely stunned. Various theories immediately spread about the puzzling image.

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A member of the Missouri Department of Conservation captured the photograph of the huge spider web, which was posted on the organization’s Facebook page. The perfect web was woven between two trees and thanks to the perspective of the image you can see it’s gigantic size.

The web was made by an orb weaver spider, an arachnid known for producing spectacular designs. They are large in size, about half an inch for females, and are generally hairy, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation website.

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Thousands of users on social networks were completely terrified when they saw the viral photo of the giant spider web since it is very likely that a person could end up trapped in it if they were to run into it at night. Others, however, appreciated the beautiful work done by the weaver spider.

Written by Cesar Moya