Undeniably, ‘The Mandalorian’ is one of the most popular series in recent months. As expected, this success has influenced hundreds of fans, who have immersed themselves in the series so deep, they’ve made extraordinary things from the show. Such as a group of friends in Russia, who built a replica of the Razor Crest, Din Djarin’s ship.

Currently, the structure is located in a park in the Siberian city of Yakutsk. Since it is a public place, anyone can go see it. For his part, Aiaal Fiódorov, one of the creators of the work, affirmed that the idea was born as a result of the quarantine. According to him, he and his friends had a lot of free time, and it shows.

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In total, the vessel is 46 feet long, 33 wide and 13 high. To carry it out, they needed 50 sheets of fiber wood, interior lights and panels for the cabin. To demonstrate all this, the Instagram account @Just.ayaal was in charge of documenting the process.


Fyodorov also highlighted the communal effort the job brought forth. According to their posts, the followers coordinated on social networks to collect money when the group ran out of funds.


Surprisingly, the public’s response has been so enormous, that the creators of the replica want to make an alternative version of the series.








Written by Cesar Moya