After the trailer was launched for the new Disney Plus series, Loki, Marvel fans immediately began to fill social networks with speculation, because in a fragment of this preview, a seated figure can be seen, which many viewers assert is It’s Natasha Romanoff in Vormir. That’s right, Black Widow is alive and will appear in the series of the god of deception.

Kevin Feige presented at the Disney Investor Day, a complete list of all projects being prepared by Marvel Studios, and also released a new trailer for the spin-off series “Loki”. Fans believe they see Black Widow of Scarlett Johansson revealed in the trailer.

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No matter who it is, they are sitting in a planet which looks like Vormir. This is where Natasha, who died in Avengers: Endgame, was last seen. However, a fans theory implies that the character’s hair in the shot is extremely similar to the style she wore in the previous MCU movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Another fan speculated that the image might have been from Tony Stark’s perspective in Avengers: Age of Ultron, after touching the scepter containing the mind gem at the beginning of the movie.

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At the same time, another fan thinks that her hair looks more like the hairstyle in the first Avengers movie.

Consider the image for yourself, do you think this is Black Widow in Vormir? Let us know on our social networks what you think.

Written by Cesar Moya