One of the highlights of Falcon and the Winter Soldier has been the introduction of the new Captain America, John Walker, a character played by Wyatt Russell.

Love him or hate him, the character has generated the most diversified reactions since the first episode of the series, and in the recent episode he gained a little more prominence, including interacting with the protagonists.

The character will certainly be divisive, so much so that the actor has already asked the fans not to hate him, asking the audience to distinguish the character from the actor.

And now the actor has revealed something relatively interesting that we would never have imagined. Today Wyatt Russell is, at least for now, the new Captain America of the MCU. But it could have happened much earlier, years ago.

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In an interview for People, the actor revealed that the first audition of his career was to play Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger, a role that in the end, as everyone knows, went to Chris Evans.

“I think that honestly, the first audition was really more just something to read, to see if I was any good at acting or not. I don’t think I was ever actually in competition for the role, but it was crazy,” the actor explained.

Fans of the comics, who followed the entire evolution of the series, know who John Walker is, however, we will have to wait a little longer until we see how it will be adapted in the MCU. How faithful he will be to the troubled US Agent, or whether Marvel will give him redemption.

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Fans love a good villain, even if it is profaning Steve Rogers’ legacy, therefore John Walker will surely be one of the reasons people will keep watching the show.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier is an exclusive Disney + series, comprising of 6 episodes.

Written by Cesar Moya