The Final Frontier – 2020 makes us feel as if we are all living in one of those bad disaster movies. To top it off, something else has just happened which reinforces the movie theory: they found a giant metal monolith in the desert.

In that area, as if someone or something did not want it, in the middle of nowhere, in a desert in rural Utah, officials of the Utah Department of Public Safety and the Division of Wildlife Resources, were flying over the area when they saw an “unusual object” in the distance and one of the biologists said in a frantic: “wait, wait, wait Turn around, turn around!” and they decided to land to observe the strange figure up close, what they found was a mysterious structure.

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As they examined the object, they discovered that it was a silver metal monolith close to 10 feet tall. According to the officers, it seems that someone put it there… but who?


The theories as to how it got there vary, starting with the advanced extraterrestrial intelligence one, explaining that they put it there to help us take the next great evolutionary leap as seen in “2001: A Space Odyssey“. Other more boring ones say that it was an artist who placed it there and that’s it.

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In fact, he most likely was an extremely intense artist or fan of the movie, because there is nothing to indicate that this is anything more than a giant piece of metal.


Be that as it may, alien or not, the giant monolith breaks local laws. According to a statement from Utah authorities, structures of any kind in public spaces require a special permit, “it doesn’t matter what planet you are from,” they said. So the most likely thing that will happen now is, they will conduct an investigation into the origin of this travesty and then remove it.

Written by Cesar Moya