The magical world is about to have a new installment of ‘Fantastic Beasts’ and although many details are unknown so far regarding this film, strong rumors in various media outlets ensure that Warner wants Daniel Radcliffe to return as Harry Potter.

The 30-year-old actor has struggled to leave behind his portrayal of the famous wizard, dabbling in other films, theatrical productions, and recently debuted as a television producer and television actor on the series ‘Miracle Workers.’

Despite this, the studio has plans for him to make a triumphant return as the sorcerer in this new film saga.

Warner wants Daniel Radcliffe to return as Harry Potter in one of the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ sequels. The plan will be, if the actor agrees, to fit him into the fifth and final film of the series.

The studio is planning to make a progression showing Harry, as an adult, conversing with a much older Newt towards the end of the film.

However, the studio may be considering ending the series after the fourth movie, in case the third installment doesn’t turn out as well.

If this happens, Radcliffe’s cameo will be implicated. That is, he will emerge in the last film of the saga instead. But again, it all depends on the actor agreeing to return.

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Right now, however, nothing is decided and unfortunately it may be a while before we know more. After all, the disappointing release of ‘The Crimes of Grindelwald’, the studio announced that its sequel would be delayed until November 2021.

But with the coronavirus pandemic halting production and distribution worldwide, not to mention the turmoils in the lives of Johnny Depp and Ezra Miller, the Potterheads may have to wait even longer until they can visit the Wizarding World once again.

Written by Cesar Moya