This Flemish baker was driving his Tesla at 4 a.m. to go to work. On his way, he crossed the path of a wild boar traversing right in front of his vehicle. A Twitter post thanks Tesla’s autopilot for avoiding the collision and the car’s cameras recorded the scene showing the computer’s impressive precision. Still another report says it transpired differently.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, reacted to the video and commented about the software installed. On Twitter, the billionaire praised the Tesla Autopilot. The co-founder of the brand explained that the main purpose of this feature was to avoid crashing and said that ” what seems fast to humans is slow to a computer“. Then aded that ” 360-degree low light vision & sonaar plus forward radar enable to be superhuman “.

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However, the actual driver of the vehicle commented to a news outlet that it was he who swerved to avoid the animal and not the car itself. He admits that the car did tug him back to the right lane.

“I did pull my steering wheel, but the car immediately chose the right track again after the crash. Everything was filmed from four sides. It is very clearly visible how the car takes over after my reflex. You really felt the steering wheel working against and turning. Apparently it automatically gives more power and braking to the tires when it feels something wrong, ” he explained.

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The video below shows a compilation of when the autopilot has succeeded in avoiding crashes.

Written by Cesar Moya