The dream of these three young brothers to become superheroes ended in hospitalization after being bitten by a very poisonous spider.

This took place on May 14. The boys, ages 8, 10 and 12, were looking after a herd of goats in the Bolivian town of Chayanta when they encountered a spider that turned out to be a black widow.

In hopes of becoming Spider-Man, a comic book and movie superhero, they approached the black widow and shoved it near them with a stick until it bit each of the kids, said Virgilio Pietro, head of epidemiology in the Bolivian Ministry of Health, to local magazine Telemundo.

The boys began to experience symptoms within minutes. Worried, their mother rushed them to a local medical center, where their condition continued to worsen until they were taken to a hospital in Llallagua, 16 miles from Chayanta.

The next day, they were transferred to La Paz Children’s Hospital, where they were admitted with fever, tremors, sweating, and muscle pain, said Pietro.

Currently, the boys are getting better. The official said the incident should be considered a warning. “For the children, everything is real, the films are real,” he warned.

Written by Cesar Moya