A recent paranormal event frightens users on social networks, after a student shared a series of videos in which something paranormal can be observed during a virtual class that was recorded by the students.

The class proceeded with complete normality which was executed virtually, as is the current custom during this pandemic. The teacher in charge of teaching this online class didn’t realize that the students were not really paying attention to him because something strange was happening behind his back.

As you will see in the video, the teacher conducts the class without any difficulty and decides to close the door so that the background noise, a dog barking, does not interfere with his lesson and his students can hear it clearly.

However, something or someone in that forsaken place seemed to not completely agree with the door being closed, as it suddenly opened, breaking out the students and even the teacher who turns around to see what caused it to open. The teacher lives alone, the dog that was barking was in another room far from there; nonetheless, he doesn’t seem to mind what’s happening and continues with the class.

After a tremendous scare, the teacher made the decision to leave the door open, which for many was the worst decision he could have made, because it was at that time when the strange appearances began that frightened the students in that class; in that same video you can see how a shadow passes from one side to the other.

But the paranormal activity does not stop there, because once again the shadow can be seen, but this time a face of what appears to be a boy, a girl or a young figure in the structure of the door is glimpsed, which did not go unnoticed by the young people who were viewing the virtual class and decided to warn the teacher.

When the teacher began to read the students’ comments, he was confused by what was happening but explained to them repeatedly that he lives alone with only his dog, and that it is not possible for these types of appearances to occur.

This thread on Twitter that user Fredy Gzz shared became a trend due to the chilling scenes and the mysterious situation, which generated thousands of likes and comments, many of them making fun of what ensued, some describing what happened as appalling and others eager to know what will happen in an upcoming class of students with this teacher.

In response to requests from the public, this young owner of the thread on the social network assured that he will share what transpires later.

Written by Cesar Moya