For 300 years the Romanovs ruled Russia as tsars. But as World War I brought Russia to revolution, Tsar Nicholas II and his family were overthrown. During his World Cup tour of Russia, National Geographic reporter Sergey Gordeev visits the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg that memorializes the location of their demise.
TAGS: 300 years,anastasia,animals,discover,documentary,explore,family,FIFA,Last Days of the Romanovs,nat geo,natgeo,national geographic,nature,overthrown,PLivjPDlt6ApRfQqtRw7JkGCLvezGeMBB2,PLivjPDlt6ApRiBHpsyXWG22G8RPNZ6jlb,PLivjPDlt6ApSV6IhEzPW2w60mwFVtXgNR,reporter,revolution,Romanov,Romanovs,ruled Russia,Russia,Russian revolution,science,Sergey Gordeev,survival,The Last Days,tsar,Tsar Nicholas II,tsars,War,wildlife,world cup,World Cup tour of Russia,world war,World War I