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Warner Bros. Wants Michael B. Jordan To Be The Next DCEU Green Lantern

This would be a great casting! After having played one of the most popular villains of the MCU, the actor could enter the rival franchise to become one of the most powerful superheroes that exists in the DC Universe, since apparently, Warner Bros, is planning to bring back Green Lantern into the DCEU. After the… Read more »

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Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis Commemorative Edition Trailer

In Justice League: Throne of Atlantis – Commemorative Edition, Cyborg discovers an imminent threat in the depths of the oceans so powerful that it rallies together the newly formed Justice League. Meanwhile, wandering thousands of feet above the ocean floor…

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A weapon is only as strong as the one who wields it—a fact we’re putting to the test in this week’s “Versus Live!” Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner are two of the most beloved and widely respected members of the…