In social networks a video in which a runner traveling through a wooded area of Utah, was trending since he ran into a wild cougar, which followed him and taunted him for six long minutes.

According to reports, the hiker named Kyle Burgess published the video of the encounter which occurred on the Slate Canyon Trail near Provo. At first, the man met a couple of cougar cubs on the road, and shortly afterward, ran into the mother, who, having her territory invaded, began to harass him, putting the man’s life in danger. He recorded the event showing the animal being aggressive towards him for several minutes.

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Burgess began to walk backward, slowly, while the cougar followed him down the path, feigning to attack, throwing itself at him again and again. Fortunately, he received help from rangers who came to his aid.

In the video you can hear that the man shouting loudly trying to scare the animal by screaming, but the cougar is not intimidated and continues after him, hurling herself over and over again. 

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“This is the day I die,” said Burgess while insulting the animal. Finally, the man crouches down, picks up a large stone and throws it at the cougar, causing it to run away. The viral video has been trending on social networks.

Written by Cesar Moya