Joker was a huge success for DC, earning an impressive profit and several awards. And it looks like it might have some impact on the next Batman movie, with Robert Pattinson.

In an interview with the Telegraaf newspaper, the actor made a brief comparison between. The Batman and Joker. Pattinson wants to approach the project in a similar way.

“I can’t give away much about the story except that I will push my Batman’s limits. I want to take him on a psychological exploration filled with trauma and darkness. A bit like ‘The Joker’. For an actor that is the biggest challenge.” he said.

It is worth mentioning that “Joker” and “The Batman” do not have a connection. A sequel was even debated with Joaquin Phoenix, but nothing more was said about it.

The Batman will hit theaters on June 25, 2021. Directed by Matt Reeves, acclaimed for his two Planet of the Apes films.

Written by Cesar Moya