I guess Will Ferrell in Anchorman was right when he said “With all due respect, and remember, I’m saying, with all due respect. That idea ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.” It actually happened!


There is a new creature swimming in the vicinity of Hawaii, a rare combination of whale and dolphin discovered by researchers, Fox News reported Friday .

The whale-like creature with a melon head and rugged dolphin teeth was found last year, but was released this week with details of its classification.

The hybrid was found by scientists during a two-week project in the town of Kauai in Hawaii on August 2017, and is believed to be the first of its kind to be documented, said Robin Baird, a researcher with the Cascadia Research Collective project.

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“Hybrids between different species of whales and dolphins have previously been registered, but this is the first case of a hybrid between these two species, and only the third confirmed case (with genetics) of a hybrid born in the wild between two species in the family Delphinidae, “or oceanic dolphins”, the researcher stated.

It is very rare that it has appeared in Hawaii, but it was probably ancestored by a dolphin with rough teeth and mothered by a whale with a melon head.

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The strange combination caused the researchers to take a biopsy sample from the animal and confirmed that it was a hybrid between these two species.

For a long time scientists had considered these hybrid creatures only a suspicion, but with this discovery, the possibility of so-called “hybridization” is confirmed, said Baird .

Written by Cesar Moya