Green turtles in the Middle East are one of the world’s least understood turtle populations. An international team of researchers is wrangling dozens of turtles, rodeo-style, to learn more about their migration routes and locations of nesting beaches.
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The researchers are checking the turtles’ health and taking measurements, and using laparoscopy to check the sex of each turtle. They want to find out if the females are carrying eggs, or if they have laid eggs.Tracking devices are attached to the turtles’ shells, and the data will later be collected.

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The data will help conservationists know where more resources are needed to help protect the endangered species. Green turtles experience damaging pollution and dangerous boat traffic in the Persian Gulf. Some countries in the region currently lack measures to protect the turtles.

Read more in “Searching for Elusive Green Sea Turtles in the Persian Gulf”

Mysterious Green Sea Turtles in the Persian Gulf Tracked By Scientists | National Geographic

Written by Cesar Moya