Hot temperatures arrive and with them the dreaded mosquitoes. Almost everyone wants summer to come, but it has its drawbacks. If you are lucky, you may detect the insect and kill it, although there is a good chance that the bite or buzz sound will be enough to wake you up.

Why do they sting so much?  “As part of the feeding process, all blood-feeding organisms introduce saliva into the wound,” explains   Jonathan Day, Ph.D., a researcher, and professor of medical entomology from the University of Florida at ‘Prevention.”

“Proteins in a mosquito’s saliva prevent your blood vessels from clotting, which allows the mosquito to extract your blood more quickly and efficiently,” Day says. “Once the mosquito has finished its meal and departed, its salivary proteins stay behind. Your immune system sees those proteins as a foreign substance, and immediately attacks them with histamine,” he explained.

This substance that our body produces is an immune chemical that cells release in response to the presence of a lesion, an allergen, and other irritants. The problem is that it also produces itching and swelling. It is clear that the best way to avoid being bitten is to prevent them with a repellent or mosquito nets, but if they have already bitten you, you must do something to calm the discomforting itch.

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Recommended Remedies

Alcohol. Clean the area with some soaked wipe because it works very well against itching and the response to histamine. “Rubbing alcohol works really well in reducing itching and that histamine response,” says Day.

Cold. Applying ice (or anything very cold) can reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief. It will not neutralize the remains left by the insect, so it is likely that the discomfort will return as soon as you stop putting it on. If you are in agony, this is an effective option.

Aloe Vera. It is remarkably good for irritated skin because it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to reduce redness in that area, but keep in mind that the itching may take several days to go away.

Honey and Salt. The antibiotic properties of pure honey can be used to protect the skin against infections caused by mosquitoes. Rich in enzymes and nutrients, it is a product that hydrates the dermis while protecting it from allergies and inflammation. Make a preparation of these two ingredients and rub it on the affected area. Let it stay the affected area for five or ten minutes and rinse it afterward.

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Onion and Oil. A paste made with these two ingredients can reduce the inflammation and anguish caused by this type of bites. This vegetable is full of sulfurous substances with ideal antibiotic properties to avoid infections and allergic reactions. Grind a slice and mix it with the oil, then smear the recipe and let it stay on the affected area for 15 min. Clean the area and repeat if you consider it necessary.

At a micro level, mosquitos have a certain appeal to them. Some of them appear to visit the dentist repeatedly to improve their bite. And other mosquitos are very religious, they like to pray on you. So go ahead and marvel at their beauty.

Written by Cesar Moya