Good old “Hall of Justice,” where the Justice League meet and develop strategies against any catastrophe or villain threatening Earth. A large round table lies in one of the main rooms with a total of 12 seats, and in the next scheduled meeting, none will be filled.

Without notifying Batman, Superman has called off the meeting due to the coronavirus. In fact, the Dark Knight will probably find out about the canceleation from reading this highly qualified news article. Clark Kent, or Superman published this statement:

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“All Justice League members should know that I am canceling our next meeting. I am concerned, although most of us have superpowers, one of our members is still a human being. We all know who he is, I don’t need to mention his name, but it’s Batman.”

DC Comics

Almost immediately after Martian Manhunter telepathically relayed the message to the other members, Green Lantern posted on his Instagram account:

“It’s kinda of lame that we have to suspend the meeting, was really looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman. But, since I’m one of the strongest members, probably the mightiest, we need to make sure our weakest member is taken care of.”

DC Comics

As we were writing this, Batman used his searchlight to send a message. He displayed the inappropriate middle finger emoji in the sky along with the writing, “I’m Batman, I know all of your weaknesses.”

DC Comics

That is truly a warranted response. Although the Justice League have his best interest in mind, Batman should have been asked if the cancelation was ok with him.

Written by Cesar Moya