Mega-City One, a series that will adapt the comic books of anti-hero Judge Dredd, was announced in 2017, but so far nothing concrete has been done. However, those involved in the project still believe that it is only a matter of time before shooting begins, and they have already decided that they want Karl Urban and Sylvester Stallone in the project or sequel.

In an appearance on the YouTube series V2A Emergency Broadcast System (via ComicBook ), Jason Kingsley, producer of Mega-City One, spoke about the development of the series, which is currently experiencing adversity:

“I want there to be a sequel,” Kingsley explained. “We’ve got the rights back so we can do it, we’ve just got to get rid of this virus thing that’s going on at the moment, and then hopefully things can kick off in all sorts of different areas of making film and TV. It’s all very messed up at the moment for everybody. A lot of work has been done on all sorts of different scripts actually. So Mega-City One the TV show. Basically, we can’t go into production because of the [situation] and we’ve got scripts and everything is ready to go but the problem is, because of the [situation] and everybody’s funding changes and everybody’s shifting around.”

Hollywood Pictures

Despite the problems, Kingsley seems optimistic and says he wants to bring not just Karl Urban back to the role, but also Sylvester Stallone :

“Well if we can get people back, you know, we even joked that it would be quite fun to get Stallone back,” he responded.

Stallone played Judge Dredd in the movie by the same name, released in theaters in 1995. Now Karl Urban played the character in Dredd, 2012.

Let us know if you would like to see both actors in the same movie on our social networks.

Written by Cesar Moya