Metropolis – Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos was filmed controlling a pair of giant remote-controlled robotic hands a while back and now we know he’s a supervillain. The billionaire was able to stack glasses, wave, move his fingers, and pass a ball from hand to hand with impressive finesse and dexterity. Qualities of an evil genius.

Although more than a year has passed since its demonstration, this week the recording has surfaced and drawn the attention of thousands of Internet users. And not because of how incredible this technology is, designed to convey the feeling of touch, but because of an unusual comparison made to the richest man in the world.

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The video, which already has more than seven million views since it was published on October 5, lent itself to the businessman being immediately associated with some of the most famous villains in comics; Among them, Lex Luthor, Superman’s arch nemesis, who coincidentally is also bald, a millionaire and owns a mech suit.

Written by Cesar Moya