Sony Pictures launched its next big superhero project, Morbius: The Living Vampire , starring Jared Leto. The actor is already preparing for the role, as shown by his new look.

The actor posted a video on his Twitter in which he appears shaving.  “And so it begins * Morbius,” he said in the video clip.

The film will be based on the Marvel comic book Morbius the Living Vampire, starring the popular antihero who first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man.  In comics, the famous scientist Dr. Michael Morbius tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease and, consequently, developed a form of vampirism.

Directed by Daniel Espinosa ( Life, The Guest ) from a screenplay by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, at the moment only the presence of Leto has been confirmed in the cast.

In addition to the protagonist, it is already known who will be the villain of the film: a completely new antagonist named Loxias Crown, who never appeared in the Marvel comics. Crown will be a villain created especially for the film, but it will be inspired by Emil Nikos, original character of the cartoons. In the comics, Nikos is an old acquaintance of Michael Morbius who tries to stop him on numerous occasions.

It is also possible that he takes elements of Corona, later known as Famine and that he has faced on several occasions both Spider-Man and Morbius.

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The Morbius movie : The Living Vampire, still without an official premiere date, will also feature the character of Martine Bancroft, the love interest of Michael Morbius.

Leto forged his career in indie movies, but in recent years has opted for roles in films of greater production income such as Suicide Squad, getting into the skin of Joker, or Blade Runner 2049, sharing the screen with Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford.

Written by Iris Moya