While many of us are lacking masks during this pandemic period, a Japanese cosplayer decided to make his own masks. However, these are not simple fabric masks that Gekidan designed, but masks inspired by the anime Gundam!
Usually, Gekidan makes armor, weapons or even helmets for cosplay. But in this period, and since he wanted to be able to leave his home, the Japanese cosplayer was facing a small problem: the lack of masks. It was then that he had the idea of making his own masks. No not fabric masks, Gundam masks!
Although Gekidan’s masks are not approved, and one can have doubts about their effectiveness in properly protecting themselves from the virus, their design is simply magnificent! It seems that the mask of the RX 78-2 (a classic) is the most functional, and without a doubt the coolest!
Gekidan also made a Getter Robo mask, but it remains much less effective than those of Gundam. The cosplayer’s glasses were fogged because it lacked holes to breathe properly.
稲城長沼駅にできた1/1スコタコと撮りたいが為に造った【炎の匂い染みついてむせるゴーグル&マスク】(笑#自作マスク #ボトムズ #実物大 #スコープドッグ pic.twitter.com/N5LKv5wgND— いぬい はじめ (@gekidan2264) March 26, 2020
— いぬい はじめ (@gekidan2264) March 21, 2020
『ガンダムの前に立つ』 pic.twitter.com/o4gzlFDDnG
○形状をよりガンダムっぽく#マスク #ガンダム pic.twitter.com/YJnK6BhGJt— いぬい はじめ (@gekidan2264) March 16, 2020
— いぬい はじめ (@gekidan2264) March 19, 2020
マスクとしては失格(笑#自作マスク #ゲッターロボ pic.twitter.com/IwF2KBNvXA
— いぬい はじめ (@gekidan2264) March 13, 2020
でもコレ、マスクか?#マスク #ゲッター pic.twitter.com/9SO86g4rEp