After a long wait, a teaser trailer, and several images released by Zack Snyder on Vero, Snyder fans finally get to see the Justice League director’s version and, now on the DC Fandome, the first official “movie” trailer has been released. According to Snyder, it will be divided into four parts, one hour each to be shown on HBO Max, a four-hour movie.

The trailer immediately begins by showing Darkseid attacking, and soon after we can see Superman with several rays of energy around him, the Flash scenes with Iris that were cut from the movie version of Joss Whedon and even the Man of Steel using his black suit.

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In the Justice League Snyder Cut, fans will be able to see various scenes and elements that were left out of the official version of the film released in theaters. The movie promises to further explore the mythology behind Steppen Wolf and with Darkseid having a relatively vast presence in the film, as the great villain behind his henchman’s actions.

Written by Cesar Moya