The Internet is full of strange videos, so it is not surprising that a video in which an unknown woman appears leading what seems to be a community of animals down the street, ends up going viral among social network users.

It turns out that one day, while visiting her mother’s home in Turkey, Dilara Ilter noticed a remarkable event taking place outside her home. In the street below, Dilara saw a woman walking, all the while around her were dozens of different kinds of animals: cats, dogs and birds, all enjoying her company, as if she were Cinderella singing to them with joy.

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Dilara Itler said, “The moment I saw her walk like this, I thought she was a magician or something.” However, this was not an act of magic. It was an act of love, Dilara’s mother explained to her that every two days the woman gathers the stray animals and tries to feed them all, no matter what the species.

After learning the truth, Dilara knew that this unusual sighting was even more impressive. “The scene was so poetic,” Itler said. “I was surprised by what she was doing for these animals,” she said.

It is worth mentioning that on another visit to see her mother some time later, Dilaria saw the woman again and apparently the grateful animals still followed her faithfully, all marching together as if it were a mystical movie scene passing through the streets memorizing people in the area.

Written by Cesar Moya