Not even NASA pays for parking its rockets on the lunar soil, however, the New York International Lunar Land Registry has made customers from around the world with on the moon land sales permits.

Thus, the Indian businessman, Vijaybhai Kathiriya, a resident of the state of Gujarat, has bought an acre of land for his two-month-old son, Nitya, according to Indian media. The businessman reportedly contacted the New York International Lunar Land Registry via email, and received approval on March 13.

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Soon after receiving the green light, he presented the necessary documents for the required purchase by the organization, and ultimately, the certificate with the baby’s name as owner of the piece of lunar soil was bestowed.

The land purchased by the businessman is located in the Moscoviense mare, which suggests the Moscow Sea, and is on the other side of the celestial body, the side that we cannot see from Earth. Although the real price remains unknown, it is estimated to be valued at around $750.

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Recently, another man from the state of Odisha, India, claimed to have bought a piece of land on the moon as a gift for his newborn daughter.

Thusly, purchasing land on the Moon is quite fashionable in India. Even though it is not possible to own a property on our satellite, customers consider the gift of receiving a certificate of “possession” of land on lunar soil, incredibly valuable.

Written by Cesar Moya