The production is in go, go, go mode, especially since the official release time for the second season is during the Fall of 2020. The success of the Star Wars universe series has been so great that fans want more of what Jon Favreau has to offer. That is why the first images of the set from ‘The Mandalorian 2’ have given us an indication of a familiar planet that they will visit.

The universe that George Lucas created has a great visual advantage for fans, the amount of different planets they can visit enriches each episode delivery, but there are certainly several that are deeply rooted in the hearts of fans and one of them could make its unexpected Appearance in the second season of the Disney+ series.

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Thanks to Jared Wade and his “Making Star Wars” website we have access to the images and video from the set of ‘The Mandalorian‘ season 2. We can see that there is a burnt environment in the area, which lead us to conclude think that Mustafar could appear in the series.

This planet appeared in ‘Revenge of the Sith’ and that is where Obi-Wan and Anakin have the famous fight. Recall that the chosen one is left without legs and the lava sets him on fire consuming him, this gives rise to a special suit prepared for him, that of Darth Vader.

This issue also unleashed a bit of controversy as fans are worried that a place like this will affect Baby Yoda, who seems to be on the side of Light, however, has shown moments where he doesn’t mind hurting someone with the use of the Force to defend his daddy Mando. An act that only those who are on the Dark Side commit.

As mentioned earlier ‘The Mandalorian’ season two will be released during the fall of 2020 on Disney+.

Written by Cesar Moya