In the midst of the global crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, author JK Rowling has enabled the first book in the Harry Potter saga to be downloaded for free for everyone.

The news was very well received by followers of the Hogwarts wizard story, and is an option for people to read it during the quarantine period, which has been enacted in several countries.

Both in e-book and audiobook formats, the first volume of the saga created by JK Rowling can be downloaded for free. It will be available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Japanese; and it is voiced by British actor Stephen Fry.

JK Rowling

The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone can be found on the Harry Potter at Home website, where the author also uploads additional material that promotes information about the universe of the Potter saga.

To directly access the download of the audiobook in English, go to the following link: Audiobook of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and click on the “start listening” option. The first volume of the story is divided into 15 chapters, lasting approximately 50 minutes each.

“For over twenty years now, Hogwarts has been an escape for all – for readers and fans, young and old. During the strange times we now find ourselves in, we want to welcome you back to Hogwarts, where you will find a friendly retreat for you, your family and those you are caring for,” says the website.

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On the aforementioned website you can also find other resources such as an activity kit, drawing tutorials for the main characters, questions about the saga, riddles and more.

Written by Cesar Moya