Future series spin-off of Game of Thrones, entitled House of the Dragon, is already seeking the first actresses to join the cast, as suggested by new information, and both in the lead roles of the new series, which will tell the origins of House Targaryen, one of the most important in the universe of George RR Martin.

The information revealed from media websites in relation to the TV spinoff, indicates that HBO is looking for two of the female protagonists for the series, the first would be Rhaenyra Targaryen, whose interpreter is expected to be in her late 20s, and Alicent Hightower, whose actress is expected to be older for the role.

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Both characters mentioned by media sources are part of the book series A Song of Ice and Fire, which makes their roles incredibly important, Rhaenyra and Alicent are stepdaughter and stepmother, respectively, and the rivalry between the two has great importance in the war called Dance of the Dragons, one of several conflicts narrated in the books. Regarding this new information, it is possible that this plot detail can be adapted in the new series, scheduled to premiere in 2022.

Written by Cesar Moya