Deadpool belongs to the group of Marvel heroes that were sold to Fox, along with the X-Men. For this reason, he is not part of the Avengers Cinematic Universe. However, fans have created their own version of the latest trailer from the “Avengers: Endgame” movie but with Deadpool in the middle of it all.

In a video posted on YouTube, Deadpool gets into the scenes of Avengers 4 where the Marvel superheroes prepare to seek revenge against Thanos. Interacting in the background or impersonating the main characters, the somewhat hero played by Ryan Reynolds makes this trailer his own as a comic storyteller.

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The video was created by the YouTube channel Nightyraccoon, who had previously done the same with the first “Avengers: Endgame” trailer. His work and editing skills have been complemented by all of his followers. The new trailer is just an alternative version made by this Marvel fan, it doesn’t mean that Deadpool might not appear on any of the Marvel films in the future.

In the movie “Avengers: Endgame” the ‘Avengers’ will seek to reverse the devastating events that occurred in “Infinity War,” where Thanos eliminated half the population of the universe.

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At the moment the fans will have to settle for this fan-made trailers. Since the business deal between Disney and the Murdoch studio will come to an agreement this week, the chances of having any of the mutants show up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still quite a ways off. Marvel has already prepared the three films that will premiere next year.

Be advised, there is swearing in this video. You know how Deadpool is.

Written by Cesar Moya