We have all witnessed Deadpool slice bullets in half after being fired at multiple times. Some he severs, others he misses and gets wounded in many places, but it doesn’t matter because of his healing ability. That is the only reason why he attempts to stop the projectiles with his swords and to see if this is possible, an experiment using a military knife from the American company Viking Tactics and a KRISS Vector submachine gun, caliber .45 ACP, were tested against each other.

Richard Ryan, a gun enthusiast on the YouTube channel FullMag, tested the strength of a knife blade by pitting it against a bullet. For this endeavor, he used a military knife from the American company Viking Tactics and a KRISS Vector .45 ACP caliber submachine gun.

On a first attempt, the shot barely grazed the metal surface of the knife. However, after continuous trials, Ryan’s shot causes the bullet to hit the sharp section of the blade and the bullet is split in two. After examining the condition of the knife, Richard is shocked to see that the blade was not actually, as he mentions, “as bad as I thought”.

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The outcome of his particular experiment was documented in a video published by FullMag at the end of September. Of course, many viewers shared the viral video and it started trending on social networks.

Written by Cesar Moya