HBO has launched a new series based on the DC character John Constantine, which will be produced by the JJ Abrams’ company Bad Robot. And, neither Keanu Reeves nor Matt Ryan, who gave life to the demon hunter in the Arrowverse, will be featured as the new lead actor.

John Constantine is one of the most beloved, and strangest characters in the entire DC Universe. Created in 1985, received its own comic series in 1988. His story mixes the classic detective plots of the black novel with the occult, fantasy, and the demonic. Also, the Hellblazer character is one of the most important members of the Justice League Dark.

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Many fans have been wondering when Constantine will join the DCEU, and now that its initial layout has fallen apart, a chance for the demon hunter to return is underway. As reported by The Illuminerdi, Warner Bros. and HBO Max are already working on the character’s series, for which they will have a new interpreter.

The outlet also notes that the studio is looking for a young and possibly non-Caucasian actor, citing Riz Ahmed (Sound of Metal, The Night of) as the lead actor it is looking for. The new information coincides with a reprt that emerged in 2020 that Abrams had signed with Warner for a new Constantine film, which may well have become this series.

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At the moment, it is unknown if the project is tied to other DC or HBO Max productions, although it could lay the groundwork for the rumored series of Justice League Dark at some point in the future.

Written by Cesar Moya