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Largest Fossil Discovery In Argentina Will Give New Clues About Dinosaurs

The fossil discovery in Argentina are known to be from the oldest known giant dinosaur and will give new clues about the evolution of these reptiles, we now know that gigantism appeared tens of millions of years earlier than previously believed, said the paleontologists who made the discovery. . The Ingentia Prima, whose discovery occurred… Read more »

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Samsung Galaxy Note9 Leaked Images

The South Korean giant Samsung will present its new Galaxy Note9 very, very soon. The Unpacked event in which the brand will present its new flagship phone to the world will take place August 9

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Venom Will Include Multiple Villains

As part of the Sony Pictures panel at Comic-Con 2018, Sony Pictures finally confirmed one of the longest running rumors going around the production of the Venom movie. It was rumored that we would see other symbiotes. During the presentation of a short trailer, which included shots with unfinished digital effects, so it will not… Read more »