An Indonesian fisherman said on Saturday he found a baby shark with a “human” face in the waters near Rote Ndao, in the East Tenggara province, Indonesia.

The fish has such a striking physiognomy that it was also compared to a character in the children’s song Baby Shark, for having a “big mouth and bulging eyes”.

It is not clear whether the spots are actually the eyes, in fact, the real optics could be on the top of the animal.

According to the British website Daily Mail, the fisherman responsible for the find, Abdullah Nuren, 48, reported that he had caught an adult female shark with his fishing net. When opening the stomach of the cartilaginous fish, he found three dead baby fish.

What attracted the most attention was that the shark possesses an erie “human” appearance and distinguishing features, as shown in a video published on Youtube.

The fish was so bizarre that Abdullah said his house was packed with people curious to see the shark with a “human” expression.

Written by Cesar Moya