The Time of their lives? Well, not quite!

The couple, who are huge fans of the 1987 cult hit Dirty Dancing were planning to perform the iconic lift at their upcoming wedding reception. While Jennifer Grey made leaping into the arms of Patrick Swayze look easy, it doesn’t mean you should go out and try it yourself.

Reports say that while out with family the couple decided to practice the iconic lift in a pub garden on a whim. Sharon (52) and Andy (51) immediately set out to try and recreate the iconic moment. But instead they created their own viral moment! Sharon and Andy ran toward each other and instead of running into a lift, they ran into each other and collided. Andy ended up unconscious and suffered head and back injuries, while Sharon was completely winded and unable to breathe after attempting the jump. Initially family members thought they were playing around, but then realized how serious it was and had to dial 911. Sharon said that all she could hear was paramedics saying that he (Andy) was going in and out of consciousness. And that their feet were entwined and they had to separated. She also stated that their doctors laughed when they told them what had happened. [Huffington Post]

While both Andy and Sharon are both okay and have laughed off the whole ordeal, they are now rethinking their first wedding dance and they absolutely will not be performing the lift! As Andy says, they will keep “two feet on the ground.” [BBC]