The new version of Spider-Man conveyed within the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a reinvention of the character and his entire storyline. An example of this is all the characters encompassing him such as Aunt May, MJ, as well as the different villains, which have risen from the perspective of development of the MCU. Taking this into consideration, a fan art of Matthew McConaughey as Green Goblin, allows us to imagine what this villain would look like.

Green Goblin has been a recurring villain in the two previous versions of Spider-Man within Sony Pictures, the best known and most loved being the version played by Willem Dafoe in ‘Spider-Man’ directed by Sam Raimi, a version that showed the character with an armor type that, while being different from the comic version, was well received by fans.

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Concept artist Jackson Caspersz presented through his social networks a fan art of Matthew McConaughey as Green Goblin, which can be seen as an intermediate edition between the one presented in the comics and the past interpretations:

During an interview with actor Matthew McConaughey, the star stated that he would like to play this villain within the MCU. Afterward, much has been speculated about the possible arrival of this actor, something that would be a great achievement for Marvel.

Written by Cesar Moya