With the X-Men joining the MCU, Marvel needs to find a new interpreter for Wolverine. It will be difficult to find an actor to match the iconic role of Hugh Jackman.

A popular choice among fans is Keanu Reeves, who is not yet part of the MCU.

To take a stab at what he would look like in the role, a fan produced an art that features Keanu Reeves as Wolverine. The art is impressive and envisions a replacement to match Jackman.

It is not yet known when the X-Men will make their MCU debut.

In an interview with BuzzFeed, Keanu Reeves answered if he would like to portray a character from DC or Marvel in theaters. The answer was straightforward: Wolverine.

“When I was a kid, I always wanted to be Wolverine, so I choose Wolverine ”, revealed the actor.

The only Wolverine in theaters was Hugh Jackman, but the actor retired as the character in Logan (2017). Who knows, maybe with Marvel planning a reboot of the X-Men, Keanu Reeves might have his chance.

In 2021, the actor can be seen in two great sequels: John Wick 3 and Matrix 4.

Other works by the same artist:

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Written by Cesar Moya