Carol Danvers, played by Brie Larson, is one of the few heroines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) who has starred in her own movie, but at the same time she is also one of the few who have fans that might want her to leave the role to someone else. As always, artists have taken on the challenge revealing other options for the character, a recent example is Charlize Theron as Captain Marvel.

In recent years, the South African celebrity has proven to be a good actress in the action genre, she definitely uped her fighting game as seen in the adrenalin rush sequences from ‘Mad Max’, ‘The Old Guard’ and ‘Atomic Blonde’, so it makes sense that she would be an ideal candidate for feature films produced by Marvel Studios.

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Artists have published on social networks illustrations of what Charlize Theron would look like as Captain Marvel, where she is shown with short blonde hair, which correlates with her characteristic red and blue suit, while some other images reveal her with cosmic powers activated.


This does not mean that Marvel has initiated conversations with Theron to debut in the MCU, in fact, in previous interviews with various specialized media, she indicated that she has never been approached about a replacement role.

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Meanwhile, she continues to enjoy the success she had with ‘The Old Guard’, an original film that was among the top 10 most played content on the streaming platform within days of its world premiere. It is still unknown if there will be a second part.

Written by Cesar Moya