The only one who could stop the chaos taking place at the Capitol was Batman, but the one who showed up wasn’t the real one.

Does anyone know which movie of The Purge we’re in? The country is once again divided, some people never believed that Donald Trump was a good option to lead the most powerful nation in the world. Other countries… just accept it. Now that Trump has lost the election, and even the Vice President, Mike Pence, has already accepted defeat, his followers have taken over the Capitol to protest against Biden’s win.

The truth is, we do not know for sure who sent these protesters or if they are people simply frustrated with the government’s current decisions about the pandemic. However, somone seems to have called the Dark Knight, the only person who could have solved the crisis at the Capitol. During the chaos that ensued today, videos on Twitter of Batman arriving in the area to reestablish order were trending. But is it the real Bat?

The sad part is, this footage stems from the May 2020 protests demanding justice for George Floyd. The video was tweeted on May 31, 6 days after Floyd’s incident. Unfortunately, it is not known if Bruce Wayne sent the vigilante, but it is believed that the Batman was taken down during the rioting.

Written by Cesar Moya