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Sherlock Holmes 3: Johnny Depp Will Play The Main Villain Of The Film

After giving up his role in Fantastic Beasts 3, the actor will seek to find other roles to continue his acting career. According to a new report, the saga is looking to include the actor as a villain. In 2021, Robert Downey Jr. will say goodbye to the Sherlock Holmes trilogy, stories that revamped his… Read more »

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There Won’t Be A New T’Challa: Marvel Won’t Replace Chadwick Boseman

In the midst of all their announcements, Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, answered one of the biggest questions: they simply will not replace Chadwick Boseman. Making it clear that the actor delivered an emblematic performance, which goes beyond any existing adaptation of the character, Feige stipulated that Black Panther 2 will continue to focus… Read more »

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Red Riding Hood Hunts The “Wolf” In The Trailer For ‘Hunted’

The horror movie ‘Hunted‘, modern and brutal version of the classic ‘Little Red Riding Hood‘, has released its first trailer. The film is directed by Vincent Paronnaud. Eve meets a charming guy at the bar, but it all goes terribly wrong when she realizes that he is a psychopath. They begin a deadly chase until… Read more »

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Another Addition! Charlie Cox Will Be In Spider-Man 3 As Daredevil

After a sea of speculation about the possible return of the Man Without Fear, Daredevil, to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a new report seems to confirm the character played by Charlie Cox, which we saw in the Netflix series, will make his debut in the Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios film: Spider-Man 3. According to… Read more »