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The Largest Particle Accelerator Is Updated To Quintuple Collisions

The particle accelerator that made it possible to discover the Higgs boson goes through the biggest renovation in its 10-year history. In June work began in Switzerland to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC , to its future version, called the High Luminosity LHC, or HiLumi LHC. The objective is to prolong the useful life of the accelerator… Read more »

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8 Year Old Boy Is Headed To A University

The school frustrated him because he felt he was wasting his time, so he decided to study from home. Thus, Laurent Simons, with only 8 years of age, finished in 18 months secondary education, when the normal thing in his country of residence (Holland) is six years. This child, the son of a Belgian father and a… Read more »

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The art of argument | Jordan Peterson

So how do you deal with situations where your words are likely to be used out of context, let’s say. And that’s a situation…